Anyways, the point of this blog post is to inform everyone that Bailey Nicole Photography is relocating. I will be moving from Seattle, WA to Carrollton, TX within the next month. Am I excited about this? Heck yeah! Will I miss Seattle and all the wonderful people I've met here? Of course! You all know who you are.
The biggest reason for the move is that the husband got an awesome job down there that was too good to pass up. It has been a long tough decision, but in the end, it's a fabulous new opportunity for change and growth for the both of us. I cant wait to see what this journey will hold.
But before I go, I just want to write about how much I've learned in these past 3 years and what I will miss.
What I've learned:
- I am not as good as I thought I'd be at snowboarding
- That I can't live without good Indian food
- That a Washington summer is about as good as it gets as far as nature is concerned. I don't think I've ever seen as beautiful of sights as I have in July, camping by the riverside.
- That it's never too late to re-invent yourself. I know this sounds
cliche, but I came to Seattle as a Game Developer who dabbled in
Photography and am leaving here as a Photographer who dabbles in Game
Development. This was probably the roughest transition I've ever made, and I couldn't be happier I made it.
- How to grow and harvest tomato's, basil, rosemary, and (to some degree) broccoli and brussel sprouts.
- That when I get put in an uncomfortable situation, to treat it as
an opportunity to learn more about myself and those around me.
- Having my husbands family close by. I'm really lucky to have
married a guy who's family I truly adore. I've already shed a few tears
over this one.
- All the awesome friends I've made. Again, you know who you are. There are several of you. I will miss you dearly.
- All the awesome friends I already had that ended up moving here
and now I'm leaving you again. I swear, I'm not trying to run away from
you. haha.
- The view
- Trader Joes and their amazing goats milk brie.
- The roads. I'm sorry but getting into the city sucks when you're
on the Eastside. There is like 2 ways in, or you can go around the top
or bottom. Either way, its jam packed. Also, you dont have access roads.
- The lack of sun in the winter. I've never been okay with this. I need my sun. It's my lifeblood. haha
- Gorgeous bodies of water that I want to swim in, but can because it's too cold. It's like a "look but can't touch" scenario for me.
- Other stuff I won't mention because this is supposed to be a happy post and I realize i've already spilled too many beans. Moving on.