Anyways, I needed subjects, and who's gonna turn down a free photoshoot. My friends Chuck and Hollie were totally down. It was a win win. I've been studying uses of off camera lighting, and I was anxious to put this knowledge to use. I've worked with strobing in the past with my friend Alec, but this time, I had more of a grasp of certain things, thanks to watching some Zack Arias stuff and really taking time to let things sink in.
Chuck does game development and plays the bass, and Hollie is his girlfriend who does accounting. I guess it really is ironic that we chose to shoot on the giant moon night, seeing as His portfolio site can be found at He also happens to have a favorite shirt that has a monkey in a space helmet on it. It's posted below, but mostly covered by his bass.
I really do love the aspects of controlled lighting. It's like owning a tiny sun, except you can move it around and turn the power up or down.
Anyways, I'm only going to post a couple of favorites up, simply because I don't have a ton of time today, and also, because I have yet to actually even look at the rest. They will come in a more formal post, later down the line. For now though.....

Also, I just think my husband is one of the most handsome men I've ever known. Just putting that out there. :)