TADA! (That's what I feel like saying when I present awesome shots like the ones I got in this session)
Rene is an old friend of mine from my game development career. I am fortunate enough to live near a place that holds a large convention for gamers every year called PAX. She and her husband Randy came into town for said convention. I think its really awesome that they travel together. She had recently found out that I'm doing photography now and got in touch to schedule a session with me. I was so super pumped, because I knew she'd deliver and we'de get some amazing stuff. She just has that awesome personality where you know it's gonna be good. She's in control, laid back, and I gotta say, the girl knows how to strike a pose. Then there's Randy. This was the first time I'd met him. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pretty sure it was going to be one of those instances where the chick is so cool that chances are, by default, the guy is equally as awesome. I was absolutely right. Duh! He was fun and lovable and these two compliment each other so perfectly, it's unreal.
So, here's a sneak peek of some shots from the session.

♥ I love moments like this. ♥
To Rene and Randy, I had so much fun. Thanks for the great time!
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